Slovakia Genealogy Research Strategies
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Bill Tarkulich's

Slovakia & Environs

Genealogy Research Strategies

Developing effective approaches to ancestral research in Slovakia

including Rusyn/Ruthenian settlements

Recommended by the U. S. National Archives & Family History Library

Mother's Day in Snina, 1937

Mothers Day in Snina 1937


Ahoj!  Hello!  These pages provide strategy assistance to English-speaking researchers of immigrants from the regions of present-day Slovak Republic (Slovakia).  This collection also provides a contemporary and historical perspective of the region through essays, documents and photographs.

My research focus is on Eastern Slovakia (Slovak Republic) / formerly Czechoslovakia / formerly Upper Hungary.  Primary research areas include the peoples and lands in the Carpathian mountains and immediate borderlands of Southern Poland (Galicia) and Western Ukraine (Carpatho-Rus).  While there is a focus, all methods and tools referenced herein can be successfully used for researching throughout Slovakia.

I am thrilled to report that this strategy was the key to my family search success long before online material was available.  Without any information to start with, I located my grandparent's Rusyn villages, connected with my new-found cousins in Slovakia and spent two weeks lving with them, in their villages, eating, drinking, sleeping and most importantly sharing and learning.

 Along with this web site,  I write articles and give presentations in publications, meetings and conferences througout the world.     I am a member of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society , CGSI and The Lemko Association

Upcoming Events

I have been a presenter at various event across the United States for the past twenty years. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - Population and Urbarial Census of Hungary,  Carpatho Rusyn Society Webinar
October, 2025 , Topics to announced,  2025 CGSI Conference, Kansas City

I would be pleased to present to your organization at no charge.  Contact me for more information.


  • Table Of Contents - A complete listing of all pages

  • What's New - A description of site updates

  • Welcome - What these pages are all about

  • Strategy - A systematic approach to ancestral research

  • History - A brief summary of major events and unique reference material

  • Place Names - Explanation of multiple village names and how to find them

  • Settlements - Local information & loads of photos of Eastern Slovakia villages

  • Maps - Historic and Contemporary map references useful in research

  • Churches - Description of various churches, their records and examples

  • Census - Explanation of historical census, their availability and examples 

  • Military- Explanation of various military records, availability and examples.  Military History 

  • FHL Resources - The Mormon's Family History Library catalog holdings related to Slovakia

  • Correspondence - How to find, address and compose letters to Slovakia

  • Culture - Art, Architecture, Social Customs & Language

  • Passports, Church/Government Certificates & Other Document Examples

  • Toolbox - Quick Reference to the Most Versatile Web Resources for Genealogy

  • Potpourri - A catch-all of interesting topics, photos and links

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Last Update: 24 September 2024                                                    Copyright © 2003-2024, Bill Tarkulich