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 Instructions for Acta Publica and Ceszkarchivy

Czech Republic Archive Parish Registers

by  bursicad  and Red Prince (CARROTTOP23) , updated by Bill Tarkulich


Genealogy - Czech and Slovak Republic Delphi Forums

Parish books from southern Moravia, Vysocina region (Moravian Land Archives in Brno)are being published on website.

This website is administered by the Moravian Land Archives and is currently available in Czech and German. 

ENTER Acta Publica  

You must register first.

Here is another set of instructions


Acta Publica Registration

Jméno = First Name
Příjmení = Last Name
Rodné příjmení = Last Name at Birth (optional field)
Pohlaví / muž / žena = Gender / male / female
Státní příslušnost = Citizenship (pick jiná, meaning other)
Adresa trvalého bydliště = Permanent address (optional field)
Datum narození = Date of Birth (optional field, but if you fill it out, use the day/month/year format, not the American month/day/year)
Email = email
Telefon = Phone number (optional field)
Then they tell you not to use diacritics or blank spaces in your user name and password.
Přihlašovací jméno = Login name (like you have Misut33 here)
Heslo = password
Heslo znovu = repeat password
Souhlasím s podmínkami užití služeb = I agree with the TOS
Odeslat = Submit


These items must be completed (*) :

Jméno = First Name
Příjmení = Last Name
Pohlaví / muž / žena = Gender / male / female
Email = email
Přihlašovací jméno = Login name (like you have Misut33 here)
Heslo = password
Heslo znovu = repeat password
Souhlasím s podmínkami užití služeb = I agree with the TOS
Odeslat = Submit (send)

Red writing, which is at the start about the middle register notes that the site's login and password must be without Czech diacritics (č, š etc)

Tip: Not only does the red writing tell you not to use any diacritics in the user name and password, it also says not to use blank spaces. So, for example SomeName would be a valid user name, while Some Name would not. - Red Prince


After logging into the Acta Publica is left of the search page.
First step:
Select the archive - you can search from:
Moravsky zemsky archiv Brno - South Moravia
Statni oblastni archiv v Plzni (Plzen, Pilsner)-
South-Western Bohemia
Statni oblastni archiv v Praze (Prague)
Diözensanarchiv St.Pölten, Austria

Zobrazit: it will search in the selected archive

Next step:

Obec: = Town or Village
Záznamů na stránku (30,50...)
How many entries (number of registers) to the page:

Hledat = Search: click

When you see the registers on the page to see which registers are already online. You can tell by this: the online registry has the right of a small magnifying glass image, which clicks on and displays the selected registry.


Other Items

Archive Zámrsk - Online registries of Parish Records

Litomerice Archive - ONLINE



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Last Update: 15 November 2020                                                    Copyright © 2003-2021, Bill Tarkulich