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Eastern Slovakia and Environs

Poland Villages    Slovakia Villages     Ukraine Villages

Winter, 2004 Photos

These pages incorporate reference information for various villages in northeast Slovakia and environs.  This web site has begun to act as a "magnet" for English-speaking genealogy researchers.  I have connected not only will immigrant descendant researchers, but also from present-day villagers and folks born in the village but moved away.  The potential for networking is tremendous.

There is a tremendous vacuum of English-language information about these villages and this region.  Most material is of a moderately high-level and is generally political in nature.  I'd like to promote the knowledge of these long-neglected villages from where many of our immigrant ancestors began their lives.

Since these villages are without the means to develop their own web sites, It is my intent to continue to share what information is gathered and to begin to connect various researchers from the same villages.  For each village, various village names, Surnames, immigrant records, village statistics, FHL reference material, historical documents, photos, notes, researcher names and whatever it takes, will be posted here.  If you care to participate, please drop me a note.

Borders are fluid.  As a result, bordering Poland and Ukraine villages are also included where it has been demonstrated that there was a social or familial relationship with a present-day Slovakia village.

I will create separate web pages for each village that is actively being researched and offer space to include information about the village.  Ultimately, I'd prefer to have a researcher "own" his or her village.  I'm happy to include photos, stories, drawings and anything which helps others understand the village.  You may either provide this information for me to include or build your own web pages.  Should you decide to build your own web pages for a village, I would be pleased to link to your site.  To minimize spam mail, I will disclose the researchers names and addresses to those who inquire of me. 

Jim Nickel (UK) has been extremely helpful and provided an enormous amount of village information which will be utilized with his gracious permission.  Thank you Jim.

The region is loosely called the "Snina district", which runs from the village of Snina north to Poland and east to Ukraine.  This region was predominated by ethnic Rusyns, generally of the Greek Catholic faith.

Since these villages have little or no web presence: and may be without the means to develop their own web sites, I have elected to develop English-language pages for them.  It is my intent to continue to share what information is gathered and to begin to connect various researchers from the same villages.  For each village, various village names, Surnames, immigrant records, village statistics, FHL reference material, historical documents, photos, notes, researcher names and whatever it takes, will be posted here.  If you care to participate, please drop me a note.

Borders are fluid.  As a result, bordering Poland and Ukraine villages are also included where it has been demonstrated that there was a social or familial relationship with a present-day Slovakia village.

While our primary focus is villages within Eastern Slovakia, I would be delinquent if I did not include neighboring villages in Poland and Ukraine which over time had some known relationship with these villages.  Initial development will focus on villages in Slovakia.


These sections include a listing of immigrants found on the Port of NY manifests (1892-1924) for selected villages in Northeast Slovakia and fringe areas of Poland and Ukraine.  The general strategy for selection of the surnames utilized names found in the Ellis Island data base.  Names were located using a sounds-like, looks-like strategy.  A secondary strategy of reviewing each manifest upon which a Snina district was found for others from the same district.  Clearly, this will always be an incomplete list.  Misspellings on manifests are legend.  If you should come upon names we have missed, or would like to participate in this search, please drop a note, we'd welcome the help.

If you have photographs, stories, histories or other information for villages in this region, please drop me a note. I'd be pleased to post your information.


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Last Update: 15 November 2020                                                    Copyright © 2003-2021, Bill Tarkulich