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Magyar (Hungarian) Census


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Hungary Census Data

Census Main | 1715 Census | 16xx Census

Accessing Seventeenth Century Hungarian Urbarial Records Online by Richard Iglar

Centroconsult' 1715 Arcanum User's Guide

The 1715 Census is now available online via Arcanum.  Each census page has a list of surnames transcribed to a web page.  The web interface is in Magyar (Hungarian).   CAUTION: This is a commercial site.  Often the information is initially available for free, but later on it is offered for sale.  It is strongly recommended that you immediately SAVE your viewed images of locally.  (28-Feb-05)

1715 Census Transcriptions and Images

Peter Nagy has created a tutorial on how to use the database: Centroconsult' 1715 Arcanum User's Guide.  I have created an abbreviated set of instructions below, Peter's work is more complete, but is limited to the 1715 Census.  You must use the Magyar (Hungarian) Name.


  1. Go to the Arcanum web site.

  2. Select "Az 1715. évi országos összeírás" (1715 Census) from the Left-side menu panel.  [Leave the dropdown set to "Valasszon urlapot!"/select all]

  3. Select the county of interest, click on the folder icon to expand.

  4. Select the village of interest.  Surnames will appear on the right-hand panel.

  5. Underlined numbers following surnames are links to the actual census page images.  Each page opens in a new window (disable your popup blocker).

TO FIND ANY VILLAGE, SURNAME OR OTHER WORD [ This is one way to search for the 1623, 1631, 1691 census, in addition to the 1715 results]

  1. In the top left box below "Keresés:", enter your search terms. [Leave the dropdown set to "Valasszon urlapot!"/select all]

  2. Press "Mehet!"

  3. Results will be shown in right hand panel, in between blue bars labeled: "Össes találat:" (number of entries found)

  4. Click on the entry of interest.

    • 1715 Census will be labeled with "Az 1715. évi országos összeírás"

    • Other entries may include the Ubarial (property) census as indicated by "Urbaria et Conscriptiones."  Others from the 1600s [1623, 1631, 1691] are included.

    • No Records found will be labeled "Nincs találat"

    • Wildcard searches are supported using the "*" character for unlimited characters.  Use "?" for a single character.

    • Not all villages for all years are necessarily present.

Selecting a particular database from the dropdown list below "Keresés:" will take you to a more specific search screen for that document data.  I have not translated these screen.

Thanks to Peter Nagy for alerting me to this web site.



Here is some recent correspondence.  I've not had time to make a clean, readable instruction set (I'm actually hoping someone else will do it.)  So here are my comments in a chronological, but disorganized presentation below.

  I've learned how to use it mostly by banging around at it.  The Magyar language doesn't hinder much - there are really not many instructions anyways.

 A couple of notes:

1.  Searching for surnames is probably not a good use of your time, though you are welcome to.  The spelling variations are many, and misspellings are legend.  You are better off, as I always say, finding your village.

 2. Transcription errors are in this database, just as they are in Ellis island records.  "Zboj" is transcribed as "Zboy" and "Sboy", "Ubla" is written as "Ublia" and so on. 

 3. Remember, the village name in use in the year of the Census is the most important one.  Some villages have several name variations.  Some effort has been made to show the Magyar name and some other variations.

 4. There may have been significantly different surnames living in a village in the 1600s versus the 1700s and later.  There was substantial migration in the late 1700s.  I have never seen my surname in my village before the late 1700s.  In fact, I've never seen it anywhere in Hungary.  This leads me to conclude that my ancestors migrated here about that time from lands far off.

 5. If you want to search on Urbarial census only, you’d need to select “Urbariumok” from the dropdown, and then use its customized search screen.  I’ve not done it.  If you do, please post instructions for everyone to benefit from.    So, I can't help you with that one. Read on.

 HOWEVER I think it’s easier to just do a global search on all records.  This will reveal the Urbarial records.  The number of hits for each village is fairly small, unless the village name is common.  Remember, a global search can contain multiple words, separate by spaces. You can search on any words found in the transcription.    For example, “Zboj 1631” is a valid search. 

So, how do you find the Ubarial Census?  Just use the global search.  Let me give you one example, that’s all I have time to do for now.  We will search for my village, ZBOJ: 

  1. At  enter “zboj” into the top left search box, press “Mehet!”
  2. You will see two entries in the right bottom panel.
  3. First entry:  Urbaria et Conscriptiones/REGESTRATA/UC 156/UC 156 : 1 Click on it.  The top right panel will display a TRANSCRIPTION of this census record.  Scroll to the top of this top right panel. (1631)  is a 1631 Urbarial census and “(1755. március 11.)” is when the entry was re-written.  Notice that the year is no where in the clickable title.  They used their own Urbarial cataloging system, which I do not have time to decode.  You’ll see this entry is all in Latin.  This is transcribed – which means that someone read the handwritten original and typed it into the computer database.  Beware of typing/reading errors.  Notes:
    1. There is no document/page image associated with this record.  ONLY the transcription is present.
    2. There are often multiple Urbarial records for each village.  Each one will have its own clickable entry.
  4. Second entry: Az 1715. évi országos összeírás/Zemplén � 12. TÉKA/Zboy  This is the 1715 Census.  Notice it has its own high-level entry and “1715” is prominent, unlike the other census.  Click on it.  You will see a transcription:

Zboy, Harczos, Harcos, Zemplén, Zboj, SK

Vásárhely: Homonna

Adózók neve: Joannes Hubak; Joannes Dunascsák; Ignatius Chiruski; Szrucha Pelecha; Michael Szúk; Mathias Labó; Paulus Klekulo; Mathias Szopko; Hripics Szuk

Oldalszám: 148, 149, 344

This is a listing of the village and it’s name variations (Zboy, Harczos, Harcos, Zemplén, Zboj), SK = Slovakia

Vásárhely: Homonna   = contained in the Humenne Estate

Adózók neve: Joannes Hubak; Joannes Dunascsák; Ignatius Chiruski; Szrucha Pelecha; Michael Szúk; Mathias Labó; Paulus Klekulo; Mathias Szopko; Hripics Szuk = Property holder names.  These have been transcribed.  Watch out for misspellings/transcriptions!   Check agains the original scanned pages (below)

“Oldalszám: 148, 149, 344,” are links to the actual census page  scanned images.  In this case, there are three page images.  Click on each one, which opens a separate image window.



INQUIRY: I have to plead to "not understanding" where I can find the Dvsorszak Gazetteer. The way you talk about it below it appears on the Arcanum site but I have not found it there. Where do you bring it up?? I have found the 1715 census but have yet to find any entries for the 1623, 1631, 1691 Ubarial census. One of my villages is Jobahaza but it is not there and I had hoped it would be.

QUESTION: Dvsorszak Gazetteer is published by Pecs University, NOT by Arcanum.
1. Go here for my instructions on its use.
2. Go here to access the gazetteer pages.

3. You cannot "browse" for earlier census - the titles do not lend itself to discovery the way the 1715 census does.
4. In a global search, you may not find your village entries for every Urbarial census for three reasons that come quickly to mind: a) It's simply not there, b) it wasn't enumerated separately (may have been part of another location) or c) It's been misspelled or another spelling you are unaware of was used. Remember, "correct name" is a relative term in genealogy.

In the case of village misspellings, it is likely it was transcribed in error. My suggestion is to do a wildcard search. In the case of Try "Jobah*", "Jobaha*", "Joba*", or if you are really desperate, try "Job*". If that fails, search for adjacent villages and scour the results. Estate records are grouped together, so nearby villages should show. If this fails, try a larger nearby town.

I will be interested in hearing (via this group or privately) what you discover. Good luck!



The search engine for the online Gazetteer is sensitive to Hungarian accented letters, i.e., single accents, double accents, etc. When searching a particular village or county, I would suggest searching under BOTH the accented and unaccented spellings, as I found different results for each search. For example, search both "Saros" and "Sáros" for Saris (Saros) county.

The search engine for the online Gazetteer also seems to work similar to the GOOGLE.COM search engine, so I was able to do Boolean-type searches also using both the name of the village/county and surname, i.e. search query "Sáros Balog" and even using a wildcard in a compound search "Sáros Bal*". I found the use of the wildcard to be particularly helpful when searching for alternative spellings of the surname.

WEDNESDAY 02 March 2005

It has come to my attention that several people cannot locate their village (even with all the misspellings) in the 1715 & earlier census using the Magyar village name they are accustomed to.  A couple of possibilities:
1.  Not searching on the correct village name.  For many researchers, the Magyar village name used is probably the one their immigrant ancestors used/cited in late 19th, early 20th century.  In fact, many villages had multiple names (Magyar and other) over the course of 300 years.  So you want to be certain that you have the proper name in use in the year in question.
2. The village may not have existed or may not have been separately enumerated.
A useful search strategy is to search for adjacent village names.  As a general rule, Urbarial census were constructed geographically.  That is, adjacent villages should be found within a few pages of each other.  Don't forget to use the name in use for the time period you seek.
Some people are also puzzled that their village does not show up in all the Urbarial census.  Again, consider that the village may not have been formed, may have been disbanded, may have been incorporated into other entities and so on.  For some period of time, you village may have just been an "outpost".  There are so many possibilities.  You are just beginning to uncover the history of your village.  You cannot  necessarily expect consistency of records.


You mentioned that if any of us decided to click on one of the specialized menus instead of a global search in the 1715 or other census we were to pass on our info. So here is mine!

Well, I attempted one and so will share with the list. On the left side on the drop down menu of the opening page, I selected "on Az 1715-osszeiras". I went to a page with a large blank space on a green field. Here is how I have deciphered the fields/spaces.

1. Bárhol az adatbázisban = means "Anywhere in the database" 2. Helység = means "place or locality" 3. Lipszky-féle helységnév = means "_____ toward locality". I wasn't able to translate "Lipszky" 4. 1913-as helységnév = means "1913-as to place/locality" 5. 1913-as megyebeosztás = means "1913 as county arrangement/apportionment" 6. Mai hivatalos helységnév = means "today's official place" 7. Vásárhely = means "market/fair place" 8. Adózók - means "impose taxes/rates"

Kifejezések kapcsolata a mezőn belül: means and this is a guess of sorts: "Expression/word that have relation with the fields". I have to spoof myself here because at first I thought it meant I believe it means "as fields in a computer space".

a mezők között: means "fields inbetween"

The three choices are: "es" which means "and" ~ "vagy" which means "or" ~ "nem" means "no/not".

Now, if you click on the arrows which are placed at the end of each field, the right side of the screen has long........long.........long lists which are slow to go through. There is a long list of numbers in different digits.......then it starts with "a" and seems to be a variety of words....names of people...nouns....even some verbs. It is a cumbersome list. I have never made it through the entire list. Oh, and of course, all of this is at the website:

And the word at the end: "Kereses" means "Look"........


This list is very helpful, but its use is very tricky. Here is [an] example:
You wish to search the name of the taxpayer, there is a field with name "Adózók". You have to click to the green arrow located right for the field.  After some time (depending on the server workload and speed of your connection) a new list on the right page of the screen will be loaded "Az Adózók mezőben előforduló szavak" - here are shown all the surname variations included in the database. You have now to move the cursor to any item in this list. You can move through the list using navigation keys of your keyboard, but also you can do quick jumps to the desired letter by hitting the alphabetic keys. Pressing "t" you will jump to the surname "Taák". Pressing the second key "u" you will jump to "tuba". etc. After you have selected your surname, you double click on the selected name and this will be pasted to the surname field. There is [no] way back, thus you must start [a] new search [by] pressing the green arrow button. [A] similar procedure is to be used for [the] remaining fields.


Notice: This Page is a work in progress.  If you 'd like to contribute to it, please drop me a note.  Thank you!


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Last Update: 15 November 2020                                                    Copyright © 2003-2021, Bill Tarkulich