Military Records Research Examples
Joseph and Valent Csmiko
researched by
John M. Chmiko Jr.
Michigan, USA
I am forwarding to you and your website readers
the results of my search for the Austro-Hungarian
army service records of my grandfather Joseph &
his brother Valent. My first inquiry was to Budapest
at the address listed on your site. Having not been
successful there, I sent another records request to
an Army archive office in Bratislava. Again a dead-end.
My third request went to Prague with mixed results.
I was sent by mail in less than 30 days the records for
my uncle but none existed for my grandfather. Those 3
replies are attached along with a commissioned pencil
drawing showing my grandfather in his Dress Uniform
that he brought with him in to the U.S. when he arrived
in 1911. The army picture is circa 1908. There are 4 pages
of records for Valent (one was scanned twice by mistake)
that are in what I believe to be Hungarian. I submit these
records and picture so they may be of help to anyone
with a similar pursuit.

Photograph Josef Csmiko, circa 1908
Contents of the Prague
Archive for Valintin Csmiko, born 1875
(PDF format)
2. Response from Budapest on records availability:

3: Bratislava Response
(Microsoft Word Format)
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Copyright ©
Bill Tarkulich