Description of Sample "People" pages from 1869 Magyar/Hungarian Census 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 14 | | Male | Female | Birth | Religion | Status | Occupation | Profession | Birthplace | Citizenship | Residency | Read/write | Notes | Szicsak, Andri (head of household) | 1 | | 1810 | GK (Greek Catholic) | nos - married man | birtokes (landowning farmer) | Foldmivelas = farmer | Zboj | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | | Tarkanics Pelghia (neje - wife of Andri) | | 1 | 1820 | GK | ferjezett -married woman | | Haztartas housewife | " | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | nyomvrik (crippled) | gyermeri (children) | | | | | | | | " | | | | | Szicsak, Vaszily | 1 | | 1840 | GK | nos- married man | | | " | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | | Andrecas, Ancra (neje - wife of Vaszily) | | 1 | 1820 | GK | ferjezett -married woman | | foldo seged (farm assistant) | " | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | | Szicsak, Jurko (unokas, cousin, relative) | 1 | | 1850 | GK | notlen - unmarried man | | hazilag alrazas | " | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | | Szicsak, Ancra | | 1 | 1857 | GK | hajad - unmarried woman | | seged apprentice | " | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | | Szicsak, Petro | 1 | | 1860 | GK | notlen - unmarried man | | | " | helybeli = native | prolonged | no/no | | ozvelsen | 4 | 3 | | GK | | | | | | | | |
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