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Settlements of East SLOVAKIA


Rusky Potok (Orosz Patak)

Photo Credit: Greg Csubak, 2003


We have very little information about this village.  If you would like to contribute knowledge or material about this village, please drop us a note.


Village Information

Village Links


Reference in Wooden Church book from Folk Museum of Ukrainian Culture at Svidnik

Greek Catholic Church

Online Historical Book:

Below Snina Rock (1964)

News Article: Eastern region suffers depopulation, 2003 Wooden Church Photos

1914 Zemplin County Map (714KB)

1939 Military Map

History of the Ulic Valley, 2002 (rewrite of the 1996 version)

Wooden Church - from

East Carpathian Biosphere Reserve - Poland/Slovakia/Ukraine


Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative


First Mentioned 1635
2001 Population 14 Rusyn, 66 Ukrainian, 139 Other

190 Orthodox, 4 Greek Catholic, 25 Other

1914 Population 428; 2 Magyar, 422 Ruthenes; 6 Roman Catholic, 410 Greek Catholic; 12 Jew
Village Names Orosz-Patak, Rusky Potok

1635 Potok, 1773 Orosz Potok




Originally belonged to the Humenne estate, then passed in 1787 to the Mariássy family and in the 19th century to the Dessewffy family.

Source: Vlastivedný Slovník Obcí na Slovensku Bratislava 1977


1635 Potok, 1773 Orosz Potok. It belonged to Humenné town. In 1787 was a Mariássy family’s possession, and in XIX century belonged to Dessewffy family.  Source: Roberto Cannoni, Italy


Greek Catholic Church

 - Orthodox or Greek Catholic Church of St. Archangel Michael (1740),  Reconstructed 1970.   Sacral books from 1626-1654.  Liturgical books from 17th century printed in Cyrillic at Lviv.

- Wooden bell house - 1956.

It appears from Greek Catholic information that this was originally a Greek Catholic Church, but now it is controlled by the Orthodox Church.  Under Greek Catholic, the church was affiliated (managed) by the church in Ulicske Krive.



Rusky Potok, New Church, 2003

Credit to Greg Csubak


Rusky Potok, Wooden Church, 2003

Credit to Greg Csubak


Rusky Potok, Wooden Church, 2003

Credit to Greg Csubak


Rusky Potok, Wooden Church, 2003

Credit to Greg Csubak


Rusky Potok, Wooden Church, 2003

Credit to Greg Csubak


Rusky Potok, 2002, Winter,

Credit to Vasil Fedic


Orthodox Church, Rusky Potok

Copyright 2005, by Brano Klocan

Used with permission



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Last Update: 15 November 2020                                                    Copyright © 2003-2021, Bill Tarkulich