Bela nad Cirochou (Cziróka-Béla)
We have very little information about this village. If you would like to contribute knowledge or material about this village, please drop us a note.
Additional data thanks to Mark Sabol.
This village was first mentioned in documents in the year 1451. The village was always owned by the Humenné dominion. In 1557 a farm was noted. In 1717 the village constructed a mill. There were 17 inhabited houses and 7 abandoned houses. At the end of the 18th century the village became a part of dominions of the following noble families: Péchy/Péchyov, Roll / Rollov, Ocskay, Tomcsiczó. In 1787 Belá had 68 houses and 552 inhabitants. In 1828 there were 133 houses with 956 inhabitants Source: Vlastivedný Slovník Obcí na Slovensku Bratislava 1977
1451 Bela, 1773 Bella Csirocska, 1808 Cyroká Bela. is first mentioned in 1451. The village always belonged to the Humenné town dominion. In 1557 a farm live is documented. In 1717 the village had a mill and 17 houses inhabited and 7 abandoned. At the end of the XVIII century the village began a part of dominions of the following noble families: Péchy/Péchyov, Roll / Rollov, Ocskay, Tomcsiczó. In 1787 Belá had 68 houses and 552 inhabitants, and in 1828 133 houses and 956 inhabitants. Source: Roberto Cannoni, Italy PhotosSurnamesPhoto Credit: Jim Nickel, 2003 Links to off-site webs will open in a new window. Please disable your pop-up stopper. Last Update: 15 November 2020 Copyright © 2003-2021, Bill Tarkulich |