Settlements of East
Kolbasov (Vegaszo)

We have very little information about this village. If you would like to
contribute knowledge or material about this village, please
drop us a note.
First Mentioned |
1548 |
Population |
9 Rusyn, 8 Ukrainian, 178 Other
Orthodox, 179 Greek Catholic, 16 Other |
1914 Population |
4 Magyar, 44 German, 315 Ruthenian;
333 Greek Catholic, 38 Jew |
Village Names |
1548 Kolbasa, Kolbazo, Vegazo, 1773 Kolbaso, 1808 Kolbazo |
Initially the village was owned by the Humenne estate, later to the Stropkov
estate. Later it came under the possession of the Paulin monks of Trebišov.
In 1830, ownership passed to the Prešov Greek Catholic Church Archibishopric.
Through its history, its residends were occupied as woodmen and seasonal
Source: Vlastivedný
Slovník Obcí na Slovensku Bratislava 1977
Liberated by the Red Army on 26 November, 1944.
The Tragedy of the Ulič Valley
In the summer of 1945, following the end of World War II, "bandits" or
"Banderovci" began to roam Czechoslovakia. They wandered mostly in the
Slovak mountains, primarily remote places and village. These groups went
by names of "Iron", "Karmeluk", "Sokil", "Peryh" and "Browsko." The
"Banderovci" robbed people primarily of food, cattle, clothing and medicine.
[Banderovci were independent brigades, named after their founder, Stefan
Bandera, who led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).] In the fall of
1945, 11 people became victims of their raids, ravaging and looting of the
villages. They traveled from Nova Sedlica to Zboj then to Ulic on
December 6th, murdering people. They arrived in Kolbasov the night of
December 6th, the last night of the Jewish Holyday Chanukah.
In 1941, Hungarian officials came to Kolbasov, arrested the Jakubovic family,
who were forced to work for the Nazis n Poland. They escaped and
miraculously made it back to Kolbasov by foot. In 1943, they were
re-arrested by the Nazis. Three sisters, one brother and parents.
Two of the sisters survived Auschwitz and Nuengamme Saldzwedel, liberated by
Americans in 1945. The two sisters were the only survivors. But
again, they made it back to Kolbasov. Helena Jakubovicova explains that
the bandits came looking for Jews. Someone in the village disclosed that
12 young Jews were living in the house of Mendela Pollaka. When the
bandits burst into the house and began killing the occupants, Helena
Jakubovicova, then eighteen years of age, slid down behind a bed, unseen by
the bandits, but a witness to the massacre. After the massacre Helena
moved to the U.S.A. She has never been back.
The government sent four battalions, along with police and other guards to put
down the bandits. The military forced these bandits to leave the country
and go "back to" Poland when several tens of thousands of them were still
The victims were buried in the Jewish burial graveyard in Kolbasov, but later
exhumed and moved to a graveyard in Snina.
In a ceremony 50 years later, a plaque was placed on the municipal building.
Today, no Jews can be found among the population of Kolbasov or neighboring
villages. To this day the locals cannot agree on who the "bandits" were.
Some say former Nazis, some say Ukrainian nationalists, some say the
Banderovci, some say hooligans, and, there are others. It seems as if it
will always remain a mystery.
Jakubovicova Family
Kolbasovska tragedia,
SME 16-11-1996
Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky, 2002 FUTURE ADD
1548 Kolbasa, Kolbazo, Vegazo,
1773 Kolbaso, 1808 Kolbazo.
Mewntioned for the first time in 1548, the village belonged to the Humenné town
and the Stropkov town dominion. After it passed under the dominion of Paulin
monks of Trebišov. In the 1830 century belonged to the Greek –Catholic Prešov
Archibishopric. During the History, its inhabitants were occupied as woodmen and
seasonal workers.
Source: Roberto Cannoni, Italy
Greek Catholic Church -
Troch Svätiteľov (Three Saints / Holy Trinity) 1880 (KP) .
The church is affiliated (managed) by the church in Ulic.
Kolbasov from the fields
Jewish Cemetery
Jewish Cemetery
1945 Jewish Massacre Plaque
Village Office, Kolbasov
Kolbasov Panorama
Photo Credit - Vasil Fedic, 2002.
Kolbasove War Memorial
Kolbasove from the Fields (near Jewish Cemetery)
Kolbasov Church
Kolbasov Fields, near Jewish Cemetery
Kolbasov from a field
Kolbasov Fields on a rainy day
Kolbasov Houses
Kolbasov WWII War Memorial (Soviet Tank)
Kolbasov Jewish Cemetery on hillside
Tombstones are to the left of the farthest individual in the photo. |
Kolbasov Jewish Cemetery on Hillside
Enlargement |
Kolbasov Jewish Cemetery |
Tombstone 2
Kolbasov Jewish Cemetery |
Kolbasov Jewish Cemetery |
Tombstone circa 1920's
Kolbasov Jewish Cemetery |
Kolbasov Village Office
Demyan, Jakubovic
Photo Credit: Bill Tarkulich, 2001
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Copyright ©
Bill Tarkulich