Passport, Certificate, Government & Other Document Examples
Representative examples of various historical documents of interest to genealogists are presented here. Other contributions are appreciated. I would especially like to post a passport from the former Zemplen and Ung counties, pre-1918 Hungary.
Passports |
Birth Certificates |
Naturalization Certificates |
Miscellaneous |
Other Document Links
1871 Austrian Passport
1899 Hungary Passport (Saros)
1901 Declaration of Intent, USA
1906 Declaration of Intent, USA
1907 Hungary Passport (Bekes)
1907 Hungary Military Passport (Forgaras)
Christening Certificate (Keresztelési kivonat)
for an 1882 birth, Hungary
1909 Hungary Passport (Abuj-Torna)
U.S. Passport Application (Feldman, from Kolbasov, SK (x-HU)
1913 Kivonat - Birth - Roman Catholic
1915 Hungary Passport (Abuj-Torna)
1915 United States Naturalization Certificate
1920 Czechoslovakia Passport / Cestovni list
issue of a record extraction (Szuletesi anayakonyvi
kivonat) for a 1910 birth, Czechoslovakia.
1929 Czechoslovakia Passport
1929 Kivonat Birth, Civil
1929 Rodny list - Birth, Civil
1939 Naturalization - Canada
1948 Reformed Church Baptism Certificate
Slovak-American League Certificate
Czech Republic (formerly Austrian provinces of Moravia and
First Czechoslovakia Period (1918-1938)
Certificate, Moravia, 1919
Military ID,
Moravia, 1921
Birth Certificate,
Click on each image for a larger view.
Image 2:
1871 issue of an Austrian Passport Credit and thanks to John Adam
1899 issue of a Hungary Passport
- Village of Bajorvágás (present-day Bajerovce); Felső-tárcai District, Saros County (present-day Slovakia) - Nine Images Includes document holder from F. Missler, shipping agent. This traveler appears to have been assigned to the Imperial and Royal Army, Infantry Regiment Nr. 6. Credit and thanks to Bill Lucak

1907 issue of a Hungary Passport
- Bekes County (present-day Hungary) - Four Images.
Credit and thanks to Paula Knebler.
1907 issue of a Hungary Military Passport, Forgaras County (present-day Romania),
6 images. Credit and thanks to Christina Pomeroy
More Military Information This traveler was assigned to the "K and K, Infantry, Regiment Nr. 31.
1909 issue of a Hungary Passport
- Origin: City of Kassa, Abuj-Torna County (present-day Kosice, Slovakia) - Four Images. Credit and thanks to Steve Brickse. Translation
1912 U.S. Passport Application -
Samuel Feldman, US Citizen, born
Kolbasov, SK (formerly Hungary) - Credit to H. A. Weinbaum

1915 issue of a Hungary Passport
Origin: City of Hidasnemeti, Abuj-Torna County (present-day Hungary) Issued during World War I (1914-1918) - Two images.
Credit and thanks to Frank Kurchina. Translation
1920 issue of a Czechoslovakia Passport / Cestovni list
Credit and Thanks to Carol Novotni
1929 issue of a Czechoslovakia Passport (4 images)
Credit and thanks to John Adam
Note: World War I: 1914-1918, World War II: 1938-1945
issue of a Christening Certificate (Keresztelési kivonat) for an 1882 birth, Hungary
Credit and Thanks to Carol Novotini

1920 issue of a record extraction (Szuletesi anayakonyvi kivonat) for a 1910 birth, Czechoslovakia
Credit and Thanks to Carol Novotini

1948 issue of a Reformed Church Baptism Certificate (Kivonat) (birth of 1881)
Issued in Hungary, 1948
Credit and thanks to Paula Knebler

1913 issue of a Roman Catholic Birth Certificate (Kivonat); Birth of 1862.
Credit to Paula Knebler

Civil Birth Certificates
1929 issue of a Kivonat (Extraction from a Birth Certificate)
for an 1874 birth, issued in 1929, Village of Sarospatak, Czechoslovakia
Thanks to John Adam

1929 issue of a Rodny list - (Birth Certificate)
for a 1901 birth, issued 1929, village of Dubravka, Czechoslovakia.
Thanks to John Adam

Pre-1906 (1901) Declaration of Intention
Thanks and credit to George Dolnack

1906+ USA Declaration of Intention
Thanks and credit to George Dolnack

1915 United States Naturalization Certificate
Thanks and credit to Paula Knebler

1939 Canada Naturalization Certificate
Credit to Kelly Gyurkovits

1901, Hungary Work Log Book
Bacs-Bodrog County. Logbook of a journeyman cabinetmaker.
Credit and Thanks to Jean Helbrecht
1919, Slovak-American League
Acknowledgement of a financial contribution made by Stephan Baraj to support the Liberation of Slovakia. 1919.
Credit and thanks to Mike Maristch

Czech Republic Documents (formerly Austrian
provinces of Moravia and Bohemia)
Period of First Czechoslovakia (1918-1939)

Residency Certificate, Moravia, 1919 Credit to Jay (Delphi
Forums, 2009)
[This] is a "residency certificate", where town Skrben' confirms that
Josef Vymlátil, a cooper foreman by occupation, born in 1893, a sigle,
has right of abode in town Skrben. (Mick Sura)
This is a document issued by the local governmental organization and
confirms his entitlement to permanently reside in the village called
Skrben' (Olomouc district). His profession is listed as in charge of of
the section that manufactured crates in the local timber mill (or
simmilar). He is single and this document is issued on 22-d of september
1919. Josef signed on the left and mayor of Skrben' on the right. (V.
Written in Czech Language |
Military ID, Moravia, 1921
Credit to Jay
(Delphi Forums, 2009)
This ID document was issued by the Czechoslovak army
It confirms that Jozef was transferred to the army reserves on 15-th
of December 1920 as a corporal. He was allocated to the
mountain division number 8 and in the event of the mobilization is is
to report within 24 hours to the town of Kezmarok in Slovakia. He is
also entitled to free train travel to his destination. Document is
issued in Poprad (Slovakia) on 14-th of April 1921. (V. Kovalsky)
There is written that corporal in reserve Vymlatil Jozef, born in
1893 in Nemilany, Olomouc district, resident of town Skrbeny, was
enregistered 15 DEC 1920 to the 1-th reserve of Czechoslovak mountain
battalion Nr.8. In case of mobilisation, he had to be in town Kezmarok
within 24 hours, where he had to join to reserve platoon of Czechoslovak
mountain battalion Nr.8 (Mick Sura)
Written in Czech
Language |
Birth Certificate, 1918
Credit to Jay
(Delphi Forums, 2009)
It is a birth certificate written in German
District where he was born is now called Olomouc (Moravia), dekanat
is in Dub and "pfarre" is located in Schnobolin (or simmillar, did not
check the current Czech name).
Josef Vymlatil was born on 18/11/1893 i in the village that had a
German name Nimlau. House number was 73
Ludwig Holain is registering priest and church is called Anream
catholic church or simmillar.
Josef's father is Johann Vymlatil (also from Nimlau) and is son of
Johann Vymlatil. His wife's maiden name was Franziska C'ech.
Josef's mother is Anna and she is a daughter of Anton Jenik and Anna
Jenik (born Navratil).
God father was Vincenz Navratil and God mother was Marie Navratil.
Strnisko is medical sister's name assisting at the the birth of
Document is issued in Schnobolin, dated on 27-th of August 1918 and
signed by Wilhelm Pospisil.
BTW surname Vymlatil means to beat someone in the physical sense and
can also be used to indicate that someone had broken something (like a
window). All surnames mentioned are typical Czech surnames so it would
be a mystery to me as to why somebody who was obviously a typical Czech
decided to fight in the German army at the time when Czechs were
fighting for their independence. Credit: Vladimir Kovalsky |
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Bill Tarkulich